Welcome Message from the CEO for September 2021 New Students
A very warm welcome to the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC)! The KMTC family comprises approximately 51,000 students and 2,300 staff across 71 Campuses. As you know, KMTC is a premier Medical Training Institution producing health professionals for Kenya and beyond. Started in 1927, the College has a rich story of academic excellence. You are now part of this legacy.
Our commitment to you, as you begin your training, is that we will provide all the necessary equipment and support you need to actualize your dreams. We are continuously seeking avenues of enhancing our teaching and learning through partnerships with the National and County Governments as well as Development Partners.
Over the years, these partnerships have resulted in growth for the institution in addition to bringing innovations such as the recently launched Simulation Laboratory to the College. Additionally, we will be ensuring that all students benefit from technology and equipment available from other KMTC Campuses in order to deepen your learning experience as members of a National institution. Yours, therefore, is to take advantage of the opportunity availed to you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and fulfill the aspirations of the communities you will serve.
The next few years are also about establishing meaningful friendships and networks. The connections you build will extend beyond your years at the College and some will last a lifetime. Take every opportunity presented to you to travel to other KMTC Campuses and health facilities served by KMTC to expand your knowledge and gain new experiences. It is often said that success lies just outside your comfort zone, In the words of Dan Stevens “The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.” “Don’t be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the joy and the adventure lie.”-
We hope that your relationship with us will extend beyond your graduation and that you will continue to be engaged as alumni.
Congratulations on your admissions and welcome to your next chapter!
Prof. Michael Kiptoo
Chief Executive Officer