SP Launch Speeches   Speeches during 91st KMTC Graduation Ceremony  
CEO Speech during launch of Simulation Laboratory   Board Director Speech during launch of Simulation Laboratory  
6th Scientific Conference CEO Speech   6th Scientific Conference Dr. Rashid Aman Speech   6th Scientific Conference Speech for Board Director Wamwaki  
CHEWs Graduation CEO Speech   CHEWs Graduation DG Speech   CHEWs Graduation Board Chair Speech  
Board Chair 90th Graduation Speech as at 02.12.2021   CEO 90th Graduation Speech as at 02.12.2021   CS SPEECH- KMTC 90TH GRADUATION CEREMONY 2.12.2021  
89th Graduation CEO Speech   89th Graduation CS MoH Speech   89th Graduation Board Chairperson Speech  
88th Graduation CEO Speech   88th Graduation Chief Administrative Secretary speech   88th Graduation Board Chairperson Speech  
87th Graduation Speech by the Chief Executive Officer   87th Graduation Speech by the Board Chair Person   87th Graduation Ceremony Speech by the Cabinet Secretary MoH