KMTC Records Highest Customer Satisfaction: A New Report

KMTC Records Highest Customer Satisfaction: A New Report

The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) has maintained its high customer satisfaction levels, with a 90 percent decline in customer complaints, according to a recent survey.

The College also improved its service turnaround time from 15 minutes in the previous survey to 14 minutes.

The service turnaround time measures how long it takes for a client to be served at the College, based on the standard timeline set in the Citizen’s Service Delivery Charter. Typically, the expected turnaround time to attend to clients is 10 minutes.

“Efficiencies are improving as the College continues to embrace the use of technology in service delivery,” said CEO Dr. Kelly Oluoch.

“Despite surging inquiries for our services, we provided real-time responses to client inquiries, thanks to our customer care officers.”

Conducted in the second half of the 2023-2024 financial year, the survey is instrumental in evaluating services, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting mitigation measures to meet client expectations.

The survey also reported an overall client satisfaction level of 78.2 percent, with 44.9 percent (31) of the service delivery units recording satisfaction levels higher than the overall average.

A total of 69 service delivery units participated in the survey, with 7,473 questionnaires analyzed. Students demonstrated the least satisfaction.

Dr. Oluoch noted that external customers recorded a higher level of satisfaction at 80.1 percent, compared to internal customers who recorded 77.3 percent.

He added that the College’s ongoing automation of services will significantly impact future customer satisfaction.

“For this reason, we are in the process of procuring Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to better respond to client requests in a timely manner,” he said.

This initiative aligns with the KMTC Strategic Plan 2023-2028 and complies with Performance Contract (PC) and Quality Management System (QMS) requirements.

The findings are crucial for enhancing the overall quality of service at KMTC.
