KMTC Student Shines in this Year’s ARSO Continental Essay Competition
Hycent Maratani, a Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Mombasa Campus student, was the lucky recipient of the 9th African Standards Organization (ARSO) Continental Essay Competition’s Ksh 80,000 cash prize after emerging position one in Kenya and third in Africa.
The second year Pharmacy student emerged the best in the annual competition.
This year’s competition was organized under the theme “The Role of Standardization in Promoting African Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries to Attain Self-reliance and resilience in Combating COVID-19 and Future Pandemics” and was open to young adults between ages 18-35 in Colleges and Universities.
Ms. Nasambu, who also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry, says she took interest after one of her lecturers brought the competition to their attention.
“I have a passion for science and research, and the theme of this year’s contest was one of my favorites,” she says.
She credits the win to the support she received from her colleagues and lecturers.
College CEO Dr. Kelly Oluoch commented, “The victory demonstrates our long-standing history of nurturing young talents. I encourage all students to take part in the future awards.”
Ms. Nasambu becomes the second KMTC student to win the prestigious award after Brian Makori, a second-year Medical Imaging Sciences student at Kisumu Campus, emerged second in the 7th edition of the competition.
ARSO is Africa’s intergovernmental standards body formed by the African Union (AU) to develop tools for standards development, standards harmonization and implementation of these systems to enhance Africa’s internal trading capacity.