KMTC Launches its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan
KMTC launched its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan on 15th November, 2018 at College’s School of Nursing Assembly Hall, Nairobi. The event was graced by the KMTC Board Chairman Prof. Philip Kaloki and attended by Board Directors, partners, the College’s Management, Principals, Heads of Department, staff and students.
The theme of the 2018 – 2023 Strategic Plan is “Transformative Training and Research Towards Achievement of the Universal Health Coverage Goals”.
In his remarks during the launch, Prof. Kaloki noted that “the strategic plan is a framework through which the College shall apply its resources and strengths to exploit available opportunities and confront threats that might hinder the institution from achieving its objectives”. He added that the Plan “provides a solid foundation for the training of Certificates, Diplomas and Higher Diplomas in different programmes. Coinciding with the Government’s agenda of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for all Kenyans by 2022, the Plan sets KMTC on a path to ensure contribution to better health care through training of competent health professionals”.
Speaking during the launch, CEO Prof. Michael Kiptoo said that “the College operates in a dynamic environment where many changes occurred during the 2013- 2017 plan period at the levels of educational, technological, political and within the socio-economic environment”. These changes require an adaptive response so as to enable the College maintain an edge as leader in medical education in Kenya. The CEO added that “in this strategic planning period 2018 – 2023, the College will focus on enhancing efforts of income generation, resource mobilization, optimizing the capacity of the College at campus levels and tightening monitoring and evaluation across all functional areas for the achievement of the Plan goals”.
The College’s role being that of training various health disciplines for the health sector, its strategies have been aligned to those of the sector, which in turn draws its focus from the National Agenda of UHC. To achieve this, the Ministry of Health has defined priorities with targets to be implemented in the next four years (2018-2022). Among the priorities is ensuring that the necessary human resource for health are availed for efficient service delivery. As such, KMTC offers more than 70 courses, which are based on curricular tailor-made to ensure emerging and re-emerging diseases are targeted. The 2018 – 2023 strategic period is critical for the College since it falls within the period spelt out by government for achievement of UHC.
In line with the Government’s UHC agenda, the College has made effort to actualize this by: providing competent health workforce; improving the quality of training through a continuous review of training programs to align with emerging health needs in the country; continual sustenance of ISO 9001:2015 certification to uphold quality training; and developing training programmes including short courses that meet market demands/needs in the country.
As the College pursues its mandate in training health professionals during this strategic period, it will also aim at contributing to the achievement of three (3) Sustainable Development Goals (SGD’s) and in particular: Goal 3 – ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages; Goal 4 – ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for; and Goal 9 – building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.
KMTC will direct its efforts on meeting three objectives that will sustain its leadership position in the training of competent health professionals. The objectives are: retaining the quality of training; making KMTC the institution of choice for training of health professionals by 2023; and increasing KMTC’s internally generated revenue by at least 50% by 2023.
Pursuing the aforementioned objectives in the next five years will enable KMTC to address strategic issues that are critical to the achievement of the strategic goals and objectives. The strategic issues are: quality of training; staff development; research, innovation and consultancy; linkages, collaboration and partnerships; development of infrastructure and other facilities; Information and Communications Technology (ICT); income generation and resource mobilization; and marketing, communications and brand recognition.
In view of KMTC’s mandate, the College has chosen the strategic focus of “leadership in the training of competent health professionals for sustainable development” for the strategic period. The Plan has outlined the KMTC background information; situational analysis; industry and market analysis; the competitive advantage of the College; strategic outlook; implementation, monitoring and evaluation framework; and financing strategy. During the life of this Strategic Plan, the KMTC Act will be reviewed to align it to the Constitution of Kenya 2010, relevant policies and other Government directives and operations of the College.
In this Strategic Plan, the College has put in place structures to cultivate stronger relationships with existing and new partners at both local and international levels. The College will leverage on the relationship with the partners to ensure improved training of health professionals for the health sector.
Through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), the Strategic Plan has provided clearly spelt out activities of ensuring the College keeps abreast with uptake of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Through automation, virtue learning and state of the art medical equipment, we will enhance service delivery in a cost-effective manner and ensure seamless operations and connectivity within all the departments and campuses.
The underpinning foundation for KMTC’s strategy is contributing towards the goal of Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC), one of the Government’s big four agendas for economic development.