KMTC to Partner with WFH to Build Capacity of Healthcare Professionals
The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kelly Oluoch on Friday July 29, 2022 held a meeting with the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) President Mr. Cesar Garrido.
During the discussions that centred on areas of collaboration around training in management of Haemophilia & Sickle Cell Disease, Dr. Oluoch reported that thanks to the 95 years of experience in training of health courses, the College has the infrastructure, human resource, wide reach and the community network necessary for enhancing the partnership.
“Among the areas we are seeking collaboration with your organization is in strengthening our Support Medical Research in Haematological disorders, especially Von Willebrand disease (VWD), towards driving the Government’s Universal Health Coverage agenda forward,” the CEO said.
Dr. Oluoch further highlighted support in establishment of Centres of Excellence (COEs) in Haemophilia & Sickle Cell Disease, acquisition of Diagnostic Equipment in the Department of: Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, and Physiotherapy & Medical Imaging Sciences, to offer services and health care delivery to the community as possible areas of collaboration.
The CEO further sought support in the Training of Trainers (TOTs) in Haemophilia & Sickle cell Disease to implement safe treatment, care and improve patient quality of life.
On his part, WFH President Mr. Garrido confirmed that his organization was ready and willing to collaborate with KMTC on the areas highlighted “We look forward to partnering with you once all the matters have been agreed upon and a Memorandum of Understanding developed to provide a framework for the collaboration,” he said.
Kenya Haemophilia Association Chairperson Dr. Kibet Shikuku reported that a Committee had already been constituted to look into the finer details of the collaboration in addition to drafting the MoU.
Other expected areas of collaboration include, development of course modulesfor Haemophilia & Sickle Cell Disease, Training in E-Learning platform, support in curriculum review /development to include Haemophilia and Sickle Cell Disease as well as support in sensitization, advocacy and public awareness on Haemophilia and Sickle Cell Disease roll out in all 72 KMTC Campuses across the country.
The meeting was in line with the College’s enhanced efforts in resource mobilization to support achievement of KMTC’s core mandate.