College Gives Back to the Community as Partnership Bears Fruits
The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kelly Oluoch has expressed his gratitude to Kenya Smiles, the Moi University School of Dental Sciences and Nandi County Government for partnering with the College to give smiles back to the community.
The CEO was speaking on Friday July 29, 2022 when he received a team from Kenya Smiles who had called on him for a courtesy call.
“Your partnership in enabling us serve the community, the reason we do what we do, is one that we will not forget,” the CEO said adding “you have enabled those you treated to live a better quality life and for that we are truly grateful.”
Ms. Amy Lawson, a dental student at the University of North Carolina, USA, and a member of Kenya Smiles could not hide her joy at having been able to touch the lives of Mosoriot residents “We had a wonderful, successful dental camp and had the opportunity to interact with the hospitable members of the community,” Ms. Lawson exclaimed.
Another member of the team Dr. Craig Valentine was gratified to note that the Kenyan Health model involves provision of oral health services all the way down to the grassroots by community health workers such as Nurses.
Appreciating the opportunity to learn from the country’s health care system, Dr. Craig added that “It is amazing to have oral health practitioners that are in touch with the community and this is something the developed world can implement.”
In addition to partnering with the College to give back to the community, the team also expressed their willingness to support KMTC in starting the Community Oral Health course at KMTC Mosoriot, a gesture that was welcomed by the CEO. “The prohibitive cost of starting the course has hindered the College’s efforts to have the course offered in other Campuses so the support would be a big boost to training more of this cadre in response to the identified gaps,” he added.
Kenya Smiles mounted a four day dental camp that ran from 19th – 22nd July at KMTC Mosoriot Campus which saw a record 400 clients receive free oral health services.